Seven Lakes is a family oriented club with over 600 family members giving us a total of roughly 1,500 individual members.
Our principal location is in the town of East Wakefield, New Hampshire in the heart of the Ossipee Valley region. Our clubhouse is located at the intersection of Rte. 153 and Rte 110 on Belleau Blvd behind Blue Bay Restaurant adjacent to the New Deal, Country Goods and Groceries and Cindy's Place.
The Club maintains over 90 miles of beautiful, wooded trails that join four other area clubs allowing travel in all directions. Our Club is responsible for maintaining sections of NH Corridor Trails 19, 22 and 26. Corridor 19 begins at the ME/NH border and extends north to Coos County. NH corridor Trail 22 goes east and west and leads sledders through the scenic trails of New Durham, Moose Mountain and northeast to Ossipee. Corridor 26 allows sledders from the Milton area to take advantage of the trail system that includes the railroad bed to Lake Wentworth, Wolfeboro and Lake Winnipesaukee.
The Club's trail system, including its seven lakes, offers spectacular family riding, two White Mountain overlooks and so much scenery...with the advantage of having several excellent eateries and gas stations along the way. Our trails stop at all major town centers and from our humble system riders can go on to the borders of Maine, Vermont and Canada!
Our club is comprised of a strong core of Directors and member volunteers who quite literally work every single week of the year in dedication to our sport and our trail system. Tirelessly pursuing our passion to make sure our riders can express theirs when the snow flies. We maintain four Skandic groomers, a tracked Pioneer UTV as well as two Tucker 1000HD's, drag equipment and two properties. We rely on the kindness of landowners and volunteers to make it all happen.
If you have an interest in getting involved, stop by the clubhouse during one of our Board Meetings or join us for a work party. Or, if time is not your ally, you can always...